PFAS/PFC-Free Winter Outdoor Gear For Infants, Toddlers & Kids
Does your child’s winter gear contain the forever chemical, PFAS? Protect the health of your children and the environment with PFAS-free and PFC-free winter outerwear. From toddler jackets to kids’ ski pants, your children deserve the safest choices when it comes to winter gear, and that includes warm outer layers that protect your children from the winter elements without harmful PFAS/PFC chemicals.
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Disclaimer: Although the brands that I recommend do not intentionally add PFAS to their products, PFAS chemicals are so pervasive that a product can be easily contaminated with trace amounts of PFAS at any point during the manufacturing process. While we strive to recommend PFAS-free and non-toxic products based on available data, we cannot guarantee the absolute absence of all harmful substances.
As a former ski bum and mom of avid sledders and snowperson builders, I can appreciate the need for winter outerwear clothing to be waterproof. Being wet outside in the winter is just not fun and can even be dangerous. It wasn’t until recently that I started to wonder what chemicals were used to make fabric waterproof. Unfortunately, most waterproof fabric uses PFAS chemicals that are environmentally-destructive and harmful to human health in order to produce waterproof functionality.
What Are PFAS Chemicals?
PFAS is short for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances. Chemicals in this class of substances are found in products like nonstick pans (e.g. “Teflon”), food packaging, waterproof jackets, and carpets to repel water, grease, and stains.
PFAS don’t easily break down, and they can persist in your body and in the environment for decades. As a result of their pervasiveness, more than 95 percent of the U.S. population has PFAS in their bodies, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
What Are The Health Risks Of PFAS Exposure?
Chemical waste containing PFOA from a Teflon manufacturing plant near Parkersburg, West Virginia leached into the groundwater and polluted the drinking water in the surrounding area. Studies of almost 70,000 people that lived near the Teflon plant linked PFOA in tap water to kidney and testicular cancer, thyroid disease, high cholesterol, ulcerative colitis and other health problems. Further research has associated PFAS with more health risks, including increased risk of asthma, immune system disfunction, decreased vaccine response in children, changes in liver enzymes, increased risk of high blood pressure and pre-ecalmpsia in pregnant women, small decreases in infant birth weight and weight gain in adults.
Although PFOA and PFOS (long chain PFAS) have been voluntarily phased out by industry, they have been replaced by other chemicals in the PFAS family. GenX is a short-chain PFAS replacement for PFOA, yet studies suggest that GenX is linked to harmful effects in the liver and reproductive problems (1).
Is PFAS Exposure A Danger To Children’s Health?
A 2021 review study found that PFAS exposure in utero, infants and early childhood was positively associated with reduced response to vaccines, increased risk of childhood infectious diseases among other health issues (2).
Because kids are developing and growing so rapidly, their little bodies are especially vulnerable to toxic chemical exposure. Preventing exposure to toxic chemicals now will help to intercept any health issues your children might face in the future.
What Is DWR?
DWR stands for “Durable Water Repellant”, and this membrane does just what it promises – it makes fabric impermeable to water and has the added benefit of keeping it breathable. You will see this term often when looking for waterproof or water-resistant outerwear.
Do all DWR materials contain PFAS? Most of them do, but not all. Look for PFC-Free DWR. PFC stands for Perfluorinated chemicals, and in outdoor industry lingo, it’s the same group of fluorinated chemicals as PFAS (the EPA is currently using the term PFAS in place of PFC).
Don’t be fooled by the terms PFOA-free and PFOS-free. These refer to 2 specific long-chain PFAS chemicals that have been phased out. A company that uses these claims may be greenwashing you and using alternative PFAS chemicals to coat their fabric.
Some outdoor companies are now recognizing the paradoxical nature of using PFAS chemicals in their products – the outdoor clothing they make is intended for going out and enjoying the outdoors, yet the chemicals used on the clothing are destroying the environment and causing health issues. PFAS chemicals have even been detected on the top of Mount Everest – picture a long line of mountain climbers wearing waterproof clothing and sleeping in waterproof tents. The PFAS chemicals shed off onto the snow, and this contaminated snow serves as drinking water for the climbers as well as thousands of people downstream.
Are Outdoor Companies Phasing Out PFAS?
The good news is that many outdoor gear companies are phasing out PFAS, and some have completely switched to PFC-free DWR. Some companies have made goals to be PFAS-free by a certain time-period and have not met those goals yet, so I like to look at the material of each item of clothing individually. I’ve compiled summaries of every outdoor company’s standpoint as far as phasing out PFAS chemicals on their outerwear- look at each individual brand below for more details.
As a former preschool teacher and mom of 2 daughters in Colorado, I’ve seen my fair share of kids sucking on mittens and scooping snow with mittened hands and licking it. Personally, the first waterproof item I would switch out to PFAS/PFC-free (PFC-free DWR) are the mittens, as the route to ingesting PFAS from mittens leads to the greatest exposure. I’ve rounded up kids mittens that are PFAS/PFC-free and listed them below. I also did extensive research on kids jackets, snowpants and snowsuits by brand and listed them all below. Beyond PFAS-free winter gear, protect your kids from pouring rain with PFAS-free rain gear.
Your children deserve the safest choice when it comes to winter gear, and that includes warm outer layers that protect your children from the winter elements without harmful PFAS/PFC chemicals.
PFAS/PFC-Free Mittens
- Polarn O. Pyret Kids Gloves & Mittens
- The North Face Youth Montana Futurelight Mittens
- Burton Kids Mittens & Gloves
- Burton Toddler Mittens
- Jan & Jul Baby, Toddler & Kids Mittens
- Jan & Jul Toddler Girl Mittens
- Jan & Jul Toddler Boy Mittens
- Jan & Jul Girls Snow Mittens
- Jan & Jul Boys Snow Mittens
- Reima Ote Kids Mittens
- Reima Pivo Kids Gloves
- Jack Wolfskin Easy Entry Mittens
- Jack Wolfskin Texapore Kids Mittens
Reima is the number one kidswear brand from Finland. They design functional clothes for kids ages 0 to 14.
All Reima products are 100% PFAS-free. Reima is committed to making safe, non-toxic products for children, and their products are free of harmful chemicals, PVC, and heavy metals. Reima is a bluesign® partner, which means they use bluesign® approved materials and manufacturing methods to protect the environment and the people who work with textiles. Read more here.
Shop Reima Kids Outerwear:
Reima Kids Outerwear
Reima Boys Outerwear
Reima Girls Outerwear
Reima Toddler Boys Outerwear
Reima Toddler Girls Outerwear
Reima Infant Outerwear
Polarn O. Pyret
Polarn O. Pyret is a Swedish company with an impressive sustainability model. They carry high quality kids clothing that’s meant to withstand the elements without PFAS chemicals. They impregnate our their outer garments with BIONIC-FINISH® ECO, a PFAS-free technology that mimics natural water repellency seen in nature. Read more here.
Shop Polarn O. Pyret Kids Outerwear:
Polarn O. Pyret Jackets
Polarn O. Pyret Outerwear Pants
Polarn O. Pyret Fleece-Lined Outerwear
Polarn O. Pyret Hats & Gloves
Polarn O. Pyret Thermal Layers
Helly Hansen For Toddlers & Kids
Helly Hansen is a Norwegian company that makes PFC-free outerwear for both kids and adults. Helly Hansen has been 100% PFAS-free since 2023. They utilize LIFA® fibers, a Helly Hansen technology that is lightweight and hydrophobic, the fully waterproof/breathable membrane and durable water repellent performance are achieved without the use of chemicals. Read more here.
Shop Helly Hansen Outerwear For Kids:
Helly Hansen Toddler Boys Outerwear
Helly Hansen Toddler Girls Outerwear
Helly Hansen Toddler & Kids Outerwear
Helly Hansen Boys Outerwear
Helly Hansen Girls Outerwear
The North Face For Kids
The North Face carries a range of PFC-free outerwear. The North Face’s owner, VF Corporation, announced plans to phase out most PFAS chemicals from its products by 2025. The North Face offers a range of PFC-free outerwear for kids and has a goal of phasing out all fluorinated DWR. Polartec, which makes fabrics for The North Face, switched to PFAS-free DWR treatments in July 2021. Read more here.
Here is a list of kids North Face outerwear that still contains DWR (please DO NOT buy any of this outerwear): Boys Reversible Shasta Coat, 1996 Toddler Retro Nuptse Jacket, 1996 Kids Retro Nuptse Jacket, Boys Mcmurdo Parka, Kids Mcmurdo Hooded Jacket, Kids Freedom Snow Suit (infant and toddler size are ok- PFC-free DWR), Insulated Boys Freedom Pant, Boys On Trail Shorts, Girls Reversible Perrito Hooded Jacket (Boys and toddler are okay- PFC-free DWR), Infant Reversible Perrito Hooded Jacket (Boys and toddler are okay- PFC-free DWR), Girls Snoga Pant
All other North Face Infant, Toddler & Kids Outerwear that I have checked are PFAS-free.
Shop The North Face Kids On Backcountry:
The North Face Infant & Toddler
The North Face Boys & Girls
Shop The North Face Kids On Amazon:
The North Face Baby
The North Face Kids
The North Face Teens
Burton For Kids
Burton is a Vermont-based company with a wide range of PFC-free outerwear. All accessories are 100% PFC-Free DWR, some outdoor gear is PFC-free. Burton’s DRYRIDE outerwear is made with a PFC-free durable water repellent (DWR) treatment called C0. Over 75% of Burton’s water-resistant products use C0. All Burton accessories are 100% PFC-free DWR. Burton’s kids rain jackets are made with 100% recycled polyester and coated with PFC-free DWR.
Burton’s goal is to remove intentionally added PFAS from all of their products by 2026. For the 2023–2024 winter season, over 82% of Burton’s products are PFAS-free, and for the 2024–2025 winter season, they anticipate that over 92% will be PFAS-free. Read more here.
Here is a list of kids Burton outerwear that still contains DWR (please DO NOT buy any of this outerwear): Burton Kids One Piece Snowsuit, Burton Kids Powline Gore Tex Jacket, Burton Kids Powline Gore Tex Bib Pants, Burton Toddler Spindal 2L Jacket, Burton Toddler Outbeam Gore Tex One-Piece Snowsuit
All other Burton Infant, Toddler & Kids Outerwear that I have checked are PFAS-free.
Shop Burton On On Backcountry:
Burton Boys Outerwear
Burton Girls Outerwear
Burton Kids Outerwear
Burton Toddler Boys Outerwear
Burton Infant Outerwear
Shop Burton On Amazon:
Burton Toddler Clothing
Burton Kids Clothing
Picture Organic For Kids
Picture Organic is a French company with kid and adult outerwear options. Picture Organic has been PFAS-free since 2017. Read more here..
Shop Picture Organic Outerwear For Kids:
Picture Organic Kids Outerwear
Picture Organic Infant Outerwear
Picture Organic Toddler Girls Outerwear
Picture Organic Toddler Boy Outerwear
Isbjorn Of Sweden
Isbjorn of Sweden makes PFC-free outerwear for kids and teens. Isbjörn of Sweden’s entire product line is PFAS-free, and they use YKK zippers that are free of fluorocarbons in both the material and trim. Read more here.
Shop Isbjorn of Sweden On Backcountry:
Isbjorn of Sweden Kids Outerwear
Isbjorn of Sweden Boys Outerwear
Isbjorn of Sweden Girls Outerwear
Isbjorn of Sweden Toddler Boys Outerwear
Isbjorn of Sweden Toddler Girls Outerwear
Isbjorn of Sweden Infant Outerwear
Shop Isbjorn of Sweden On Amazon
Isbjorn of Sweden Outerwear
Jack Wolfskin
Jack Wolfskin offers a wide range of PFC-free outerwear for kids. Read more here.
Shop Jack Wolfskin Kids Outerwear:
Jack Wolfskin Kids Outerwear
Patagonia is working to phase out PFAS, or “forever chemicals”, from its products. As of Fall 2024, 99% of Patagonia’s fabric with water-repellent properties is made without PFAS. Patagonia aims to have all of its DWR finishes made without PFAS by 2025.
Here is a list of kids Patagonia outerwear that still contains DWR (please DO NOT buy any of this outerwear): Patagonia Kids Reversible Down Sweater Hoodie, Patagonia Boys Infurno Jacket, Patagonia Kids Foxglenn Jogger, Patagonia Kids Durable Hike Pant, Patagonia Kids Quandry Pants, Patagonia Kids Baggies 7in Short, Patagonia Kids Outdoor Everyday Short, Patagonia Kids Isthmus Anorak, Patagonia Kids Baggies Jacket, Patagonia Boys Nano Puff Jacket, PatagoniaBoys Snow Shot Insulated Pant, Patagonia Toddler Down Sweater Jacket, Patagonia Toddler Down Sweater Vest, Patagonia Toddler All Seasons 3-in-1 Jacket, Patagonia Toddler Snow Pile Jacket, Patagonia Toddler Quilted Puff Joggers, Patagonia Toddler Boy Nano Puff Jacket, Patagonia Infant Snow Pile One Piece Snowsuit, Patagonia Infant Reversible Tribbles Hooded Jacket, Patagonia Infant Hi-Loft Down Sweater Bunting, Patagonia Infant Quilted Puff Joggers, Patagonia Toddler Torrentshell 3L Jacket, Patagonia Infant All Seasons 3-in-1 Jacket, Patagonia Infant Baby Baggies Pant, Patagonia Infant Nano Puff Jacket
All other Patagonia Infant, Toddler & Kids Outerwear that I have checked are PFAS-free.
Shop Patagonia Kids Outerwear:
Patagonia Boys Outerwear
Patagonia Girls Outerwear
Patagonia Toddler Boys Outerwear
Patagonia Toddler Girls Outerwear
Patagonia Infant Outerwear
Winter Boots
Keen actively bans all PFAS chemical compounds from their supply chain. They say their products are 97% PFAS Free — because of the massive amount of environmental contamination (it’s in the bottom of the ocean, the clouds, and in the blood of polar bears!), there’s no way that they can guarantee being 100% PFAS Free. They test for contamination regularly, and consider this an endless journey of constant vigilance. They carry boots for kids up to size 12, but they also have adult options too at Keen Footwear.
Favorites From Keen:
- Keen Winter Boots For Kids
- Keen Kids Unisex Snow Troll Boots
- Keen Kids Lumi Rain Boot
- Keen Kids Kelsa Snow Boots
- Keen Footwear
Jan & Jul uses high quality materials, free from harmful chemicals like PFAs. Their waterproof products are made with BIONIC-FINISH® ECO technology. This sustainable and biodegradable waterproof coating is PVC, BPA and fluorine free. they carry sizes from baby to little kids 11.5.
Favorites from Jan & Jul:
Reima has been 100% PFC-free since 2017 – they use fluorine free treatments such as BIONIC FINISH® ECO and Teflon Ecoelite® for water repellency. They carry boots sized from toddler to kids 6.5.
Favorites from Reima:
- Reima Kids Winter Boots
More Kids Natural Living Inspiration
- PFAS/PFC-Free Raingear For Kids
- Natural Deodorant For Tween & Teens
- Non-Toxic Lotion For Babies & Kids
- Non-Toxic Bath Products For Babies & Kids
- Non-Toxic School Supplies For Kids
- Non-Toxic Lunchboxes
- Stainless Steel Snack Containers
- Organic Pajamas For Kids
- Mineral Sunscreen For Babies & Kids
- Clean & Natural Hair Detangler For Kids
- UV Protective Swimwear & Clothing For Kids
- Conley JM, Lambright CS, Evans N, Strynar MJ, McCord J, McIntyre BS, Travlos GS, Cardon MC, Medlock-Kakaley E, Hartig PC, Wilson VS, Gray LE Jr. Adverse Maternal, Fetal, and Postnatal Effects of Hexafluoropropylene Oxide Dimer Acid (GenX) from Oral Gestational Exposure in Sprague-Dawley Rats. Environ Health Perspect. 2019 Mar;127(3):37008. doi: 10.1289/EHP4372. PMID: 30920876; PMCID: PMC6768323.
- Haley von Holst, Pratibha Nayak, Zygmunt Dembek, Stephanie Buehler, Diana Echeverria, Dawn Fallacara, Lisa John, Perfluoroalkyl substances exposure and immunity, allergic response, infection, and asthma in children: review of epidemiologic studies, Heliyon, Volume 7, Issue 10, 2021, e08160, ISSN 2405-8440,